Breeds For Sale

A south African breed, Dorpers offer thick, stocky bloodlines that we use to obtain a more husky lamb product. We breed our own rams in from the fullblood ewes on the property. These are the pricey addition to our custom lamb offspring for production.

Katadhin sheep are an american breed from Veront. Naed after Mount Katahdin, this breed offers exceptional flavor along with harty genetics and maternal instincts. Most of our mommas on the farm are this breed and can be crossed with our Dorper Rams.

Cross Breeds
By mingeling our herd with the above breeds we can offer a truely unique flavor lamb with portions that don't dissapoint! Our crossbred lambs are what make Cress Creeks Farm products stand out from common Australian and New Zeland choices.

St. Croix / Icelandic
Saint Croix sheep have been introduced on our farm for genetic variety. We keep a portion of our flock from this line to ensure healthy development.
It's time to try something different... Lamb!
Whole animal Sales

Religous slaughter
At this time, we do not offer live animal sales for onsite slaughter or sacrifice. Any live animal sales require that you transport the sheep off property with you after your purchase. We respect your practices and will accommodate where possible.

Breeding Stock for sale
We focus on Dorper and Katahdin bloodlines for our farm with crossbreed offspring as our processing stock. We do offer Ewes and rams for sale at times to maintain genetic diversity in our own flocks. If you are looking to purchase a top-quality sheep for your own production please contact us for availability.

Live animal sales
Yes, we offer live animals for sale onsite. You will need to arrive with transportation to take the sheep off the property upon purchase. We can assist in loading for you. Livestock pricing ranges from $350USD for an immature lamb and progresses well above for finer breeding stock or registered animals.
sheep are a big deal!
Making money with sheep
As with other agricultural enterprises, sheep farming is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme. The profit margins are narrow. To make money raising sheep, you would need at least several hundred ewes, probably more than 500. While there are some farmers who make a majority of their income from sheep farming.
World sheep numbers
According to the Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, there are more than one billion sheep world wide. Sheep production is increasing in some countries; declining in others. While China has the most sheep, Australia and New Zealand the dominate world markets for lamb and wool.